Sunday, October 5, 2014

Open Submission Call

Are you a photographer that waits tables a few days a week? Maybe you’re an artist that gets by with a couple retail jobs...Or a musician who works the door at the bars?  Do lyrical and amazing things happen in your daily life, so that barely scraping by sometimes feels worthwhile? Is it also hard?   This is a chance to tell your story in an exhibit that will tour the state, raise awareness, spark discussion , and create change for working people.  See Submission Guidelines Here! 

therapist / dishwasher

This photo was taken by a therapist. As fewer people can afford therapy, professionals like her must seek additional income to survive. These are non-slip shoes required for her dishwashing job. She had to borrow money to buy them. “While my manager said, ‘Oh you can get non-slip shoes for $20 at a box store,’ what she is unaware of is that I wear a women’s size 4.5 and had to borrow $60 to find a size 5 that I could wear thick socks with. Not including taxes, I had to work 7.5 hours to pay back the loan."  

artist / cook

“When searching for ingredients to make the soup of the day, I remembered the season’s first winter squash arrived not even an hour earlier. This squash was local and organic and was delivered by the regional grower’s cooperative.  I spent most of the morning prepping and roasting the squash and then made it into a rich and creamy soup, according to my own recipe.  I do not know many cooks in town that have this opportunity to work with such quality ingredients that support the local people, land, and economy, or have the ability to cook with so much freedom and according to the seasons.  Although I desire a living wage, health insurance, and other benefits, I am grateful for a job that aligns with my ideals of sustainable, local food, and allows me to utilize and hone my culinary skills.”